I know it’s not a tree, but a friend gave me some Rose of Sharon (hibiscus) saplings which I have planted around my small rented property. Not only are they pretty, but they attract hummingbirds and other pollinators. Fortunately, our neighborhood and the city of Mississauga in general, is well treed. There is, obviously, always room for more, but I think we’re doing well.

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Perhaps do some research before planting. Rose of Sharon are considered invasive in my area. They're popping up all over my yard. :-(

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Yes, they do self-seed with wild abandon! I’ve had them before and find if I pick off the seed pods or prune the branches before they drop there is less of a problem

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Most winters when there has been rain, I end up with so many live oak seedlings in my street garden, because of course I swept all the fallen leaves in the street, along with acorns from across the street, into my garden. There is no room for an oak tree in my strip, so I must have pulled up 40 trees last year! I had no idea where to gift them. This year, I may put some in pots, and see if anyone has a place to plant them! Occasionally I get ginkgo trees as well, and most of those I have saved and given away. I also often have Bay trees come up in my backyard. They all know I am a tree lover!

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Please also remember to make choices that preserve the trees we already have. Buy certified bird friendly or otherwise sustainably produced coffee and tea. Learn where your paper products are coming from (many brands of toilet paper and paper towels use pulp from old growth trees). Make comments on timber harvest plans, submit comments on development plans, etc.

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I thought I was being smart buying a small cedar in a pot as an xmas tree with a plan to plant it in the garden. No experience with this so not sure it I should leave it inside in the pot till spring, outside in the pot, plant now in cold weather or.... what?

Birds like cedars and my neighbour took out a cedar recently so I wanted to replace it. Sadly, I am kinda paralyzed at the moment.

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The Canadian clothing company, TenTree, plants trees with every purchase. They are also B Corp - so win win!

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SeaTrees plants mangroves and kelp forests to help repopulate trees in the sea!

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Looove all you said!!!!

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Yes, let's plant lots of trees! According to Doug Tallamay, author of 'Bringing Nature Home', 'Nature's Best Hope', and 'The Nature of Oaks', planting an oak tree species that's native to your region will provide the greatest environmental benefit. I don't have room for an oak or any other tree in my tiny Philadelphia, PA yard, as I'm currently committed to growing as much food (for my family) as possible in. But I have started trees from seed, pawpaw and native persimmon, that I have been able to find homes for.

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